
If He Can’t be the Nominee…

The man who insisted - as recently as yesterday - that he was not going to step down as the nominee of the Left (there are no "Democrats" anymore) just decided...

Toyota Troubles . . . Again

Something big is wrong when brand-new Toyotas are developing big problems all-of-a-sudden. In italics to emphasize the all-of-a-sudden. And Toyota. Times twice now, it looks like. The first problem cropped up shortly after the...

You May Not Know…

Everything's so much the same now that many don't know it was once different. And in some ways, the same - again. They also think they know about some things -...

Horses for Courses

A team of miniature ponies jacked up on 'roids might be able to get the Budweiser wagon moving - but probably not for long. And it probably wouldn't be good for...

The Mercedes for Less

If you follow this column, you'll recall I had a falling out with Mercedes-Benz back in January over what I'd written about Mercedes-Benz devices. Mercedes has openly stated it intends to...

Problems With Touchscreens

Smartphones - which are only incidentally phones - have touchscreens and that's ok (so far as it goes) because phones are throw-away devices. No one repairs them - because why bother?...

Diaper Report: 10/24/2023

It's almost Halloween - the annual day of wearing costumes. It's mostly for kids, but maybe it ought to be for adults as well this year. It might be cathartic -...

Edmunds is Watching You

I stumbled on something creepy the other day - which, these days, is hard not to do. I found it on the car-buying site - where it looks like more...

Every Car a Prius – or a Device

The federal apparat no one elected just decreed that all new vehicles must average 50.4 miles-per-gallon by 2031 - which is the apparat's method of effectively outlawing the manufacture of every...

When Not Making an “Investment” Pays

Ford's plan was to limit which Ford dealers could sell Ford EVs to those that agreed to "invest" large sums of money in alterations to the dealerships' facilities - such as...
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