
Diaper Report 08/3/2024

Next time, I'm going to say something. More finely, I'm going to ask something. Why are you wearing that thing?  I won't dignify it by calling it a "mask." I continue to see people...

EP on The Bill Meyers Show

Here's the audio clip from yesterday's appearance on The Bill Meyer Show in Oregon: depends on you to keep the wheels turning! The control freaks (Clovers) hate us. Goo-guhl blackballed us. Will you...

EP on “What’s Next” with Bill Meyer

Here's the audio clip of my latest radio appearance as a guest on Bill Meyer's HD radio show: If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to...

Champagne in the Tank

You may have heard of what are styled "eFuels" - by which is meant a kind of manufactured gasoline that is "carbon neutral." By which is meant that no more "carbon"...

The Safety Fallacy

It wasn't the government that made cars safer to drive. It was the free market that made them less likely to crash. Which made them safer to drive. As opposed to "safer"...

EP On The Jeep Hack Thing

Here's the audio of my appearance the other day on Bill Meyer's HD Radio Show: Update: We are this close to meeting expenses for the month - with about 48 hours left...

Title Washing

My friend Bill Meyer, who is the host of The Bill Meyer Show (KMED FM in Medford, OR) told me a story the other day about one of his show's listeners...

All Tethered Together

The Department of Transportation recently announced that "as part of its commitment to reducing deaths and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways," it will "accelerate the deployment" of what is styled...

Second-Hand Altruism

When Leftists (who are of course communists) talk about helping others, they are really talking about forcing you to help others while they pocket the credit for this "help." They do...

EP on Inside Track Radio

Here's the audio clip from my appearance on the Inside Track radio program Sept. 26: If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to keep the wheels...
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