
Diaper Report: 06/06/2024

Four years ago around this time, millions of Americans lost their minds - having been egged-on to do so. They were ordered to wear "masks" - any "mask" would do, irrespective...


It's that time again... I try to limit these appeals, but they're occasionally necessary and this is one of those occasions. Very necessary. With about ten days left in the month, we're about two-thirds...

“Free Speech” (but no Reach)

Some people thought George W.Bush was a witless, beady-eyed ferret. They don't give the hideous SOB enough credit. It was Bush - or the people using him as their front - who...

Charger Elephants

What if you - they - build it - and no one comes? The line is borrowed - and bowdlerized - from the old Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams. Costner's character,...

Diaper Report: 07/15/2024

It may be that time, again. The cases! The CASES! are on the rise, again. Seven of them! "Three poultry workers in northeast Colorado are presumed to have fallen ill with bird flu...

Magnet Feedback?

Are you guys liking the new EPautos magnets? Or do you prefer the stickers? Feedback would be appreciated! We still have both, by the way - so if you prefer one or...

The Mirage Has Become One

The Mitsubishi Mirage was the most affordable car you were still allowed to buy in the United States. Italics to emphasize the past tense - as Mitsubishi has just announced it will...

Second-Hand Altruism

When Leftists (who are of course communists) talk about helping others, they are really talking about forcing you to help others while they pocket the credit for this "help." They do...

First-Time Advice

A friend whose wife is about to give birth asked my advice about what to get as far as first-time family wheels. My first advice was to not buy anything new; to...

The Disposable Bike

A riding buddy of mine urges me to buy a disposable bike - though of course he does not call it that. He means a modern bike - which means a...
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