
Diaper Report: 03/15/2024

No, it's not over. It's simply been sequestered - for the moment - to oasis of sickness psychosis. That is to say, hospitals and other "health care" facilities. In these places, you...

2021 Kia Seltos

There’s not much  . . . diversity in the compact crossover segment. Badges yes. Differences, not so much. Which is why it’s happy news about the 2021 Kia Seltos. Superficially, it’s similar to...

The New Party Overalls

The current push to impose mandatory Face Diapering will likely decide the future of this country. Of the freedom to dissent in this country.  That may sound a bit much, but consider....

Backyard Independence

It's nice that most of us can now buy food again while showing our faces, again. But the past going-on-two-years ought to have taught us what could happen again. It is Memorial...

Fourth Note

The Fourth of July has become like Christmas - a kind of ersatz celebration with forms but not much significance. What is it we're celebrating, exactly? A historical event - the successful separation...

Diaper Report: 12/23/2022

Some of us understood the danger of Diapering from the beginning. Understood it was more than just a degrading Obedience Ritual. Could see the next step in the inevitable progression. That "masking"...

Honest Language

It is silly to refer to the party that imposed the choice of party insiders on the party as the Democrat Party. It is akin to referring to what people are forced...

2020 Chevy Silverado Diesel

Diesel engines have practically disappeared from the passenger car market - in part because of regulatory compliance costs that have hurt their cost-to-benefit ratio. They're more expensive to manufacturer; and they're...

Cognitive Cripples

Leftism isn't so much an ideology as it is a pathology. Leftists are cognitively crippled, emotionally incontinent and morally blinkered people. This is not to insult them. It is to diagnose...

A Pat on His Orange Head

At last, something. Trump “pulled out” of the Paris Climate Change Agreement - agreed to by his predecessor back in 2015 and awaiting a majoritarian 55 of the earth’s nations to agree before...
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