
The Options

About 24 hours from now we will know for sure whether the "kraken" is coming - or never was. In the case of the latter, which seems likely, we had better...

2017 Jeep Cherokee

Most crossover SUVs can't cross over very much. They lack the clearance - and the capability. They are basically - actually - cars masquerading as SUVs. They are built on car...

The Department of I Told You So

CNN - that TeeVee show with a smaller audience than Joe Rogan's podcast - had an interesting story (for once) the other day. It was interesting - per usual - chiefly...

2021 Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye

What’s wrong with 707 horsepower? Nothing that 797 horsepower can’t cure! That’s a two sentence summary of the Dodge Charger Hellcat Redeye - the most aptly named consumer product since Jolt cola. But...

Cat Leaves Bag

It's no longer necessary to speculate that the end-goal of "electrification" is elimination. The World Economic Forum - that international governing body no one elected that tells us what we'll be doing...

Tax Per Mile Cometh!

Oregon - home of things uber trendy - has become the first state to begin dunning motorists by the mile rather than by the gallon. The "pilot" program begins July 1 —...

Throw Winter in The Woods

I am near my breaking point. Today may just push me beyond it. A foot of got-damned frozen white shit is headed this way. It is 15 degrees outside. Again. How long, Oh...

2018 Jaguar F-Pace Diesel

The snow leopard is a big cat, too. Like the jaguar - except it is built to deal with snow. So also the F-Pace, which is the snow leopard of Jaguars. It has more...

What Republicans Won’t Ever Say About Obamacare

I keep getting forwarded e-mails from "conservative Republicans" moaning about Obamacare. Of course, none challenge the ethical idea behind it - this notion that people have a right to medical care...

Diaper Report: 07/09/2024

It turns out that not only do "masks" not work - to "stop the spread" of anything besides fear, that is. They also get people sick. According to a study published in Ecotoxicology...
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