
Third Row Blind

Government has cost us so much it is hard to add it all up. Many of these costs are hidden costs, too. For instance, usable people-carrying capacity. This week, I am test driving...

2016 BMW 330 eDrive

Here - for once - is a hybrid that does not suck. Gas - or otherwise. The BMW 330 eDrive. You can drive the thing 80 MPH(or faster) on just the batteries. And as far as...

The Cost of the (S)election . . . at Every Fill-Up

Some probably think it was worth anything to get rid of the Orange Man - who got rid of himself, when you think about it, by not doing anything to prevent...

There She Goes . . .

Two big announcements this week and one of them has nothing to do with the pending indictment and frog-marching of the Orange Man. Here's the other: GM has just officially announced the end...

A Practical Guide For Dealing With Cops

There are two main schools of thought when it comes to dealing with a cop during a traffic stop (or "safety" checkpoint). One of them is disgustingly obsequious, unworthy of a...

2015 Buick Regal GS

In 2012, when the current Regal sedan came out, you could order it in GS trim. Remember GS? In Buick's better days, the Gran Sport badge meant something good under the hood. Specifically, it meant...

2021 Deadpool

A second wave  - of cancelled car brands - is coming, chiefly because of who was selected to determine the future of the car industry in this country back in November....

Elon’s Undoing

The death of the perpetually tardy Model 3 may ultimately have less to do with it being an overpriced electric car than with something even more lethal to its chances ....
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