
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Mistakes and Accidents

Avoiding an accident is actually pretty easy - because most “accidents” aren’t. They are the result of mistakes. In other words, avoidable things. Here are a few common mistakes that can lead to an "accident." Too...

The Speeding Exemption

In Orwell’s other book - Animal Farm - we read about a mutiny against the farmer by the livestock, who draw up a kind of Declaration of Rights premised on the...

Whatever Happened to The Ricers?

The ‘90s/early 2000s was the last time messing with cars was a common thing among teens and 20s. These were the “ricers” and “tuners” - kids who worked on mostly Japanese stuff,...

Non-Emergency Automated Braking

Something strange - and dangerous - happened to me the other day while I was out test-driving a new Toyota Prius. The car decided it was time to stop. In the middle...

Cognitive Dissonance and “Speeding”

Here's video of an armed government worker in Florida - Trooper Bryan Zegers - who crosses a median and doubles back at speeds over 140 MPH - weaving through traffic and...

It’s Not Just the Time that Changed!

This is the time of year when we’re forced to reset our clocks - Daylight Savings Time. There’s something else that needs re-setting, too. Our frames of reference for cars. Let me explain...

1987 Again . . . for a Moment

Yesterday, I had an encounter with an armed government worker on a motorcycle, running a speed trap. And running laser, which is kryptonite to even the best radar detector because you...

Civilian Interaction Training

It’s not surprising that kids in government schools are taught the government’s point of view about pretty much  . . . everything. Including “behavioral expectations” when interacting with armed government workers (i.e.,...

Ditch Your Car . . .

Something else which would have been thought impossible once upon a time - like having to allow a government worker to stick his hands down your pants in order to be...

Perils of the Part-Time Driver

Big Brother has been riding shotgun for years, but he’s never been able to actually watch what we do in our cars. That’s about to change. He'll soon be able to tell whether we're...
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