
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

A Lever Long Enough . . .

You might be surprised to discover how few horsepower it takes to keep your car - or even a big SUV, for that matter - going. Well, once it’s  already going. Last week,...

The “Impression” of Speed

Why bother with fast cars when you can’t even show them being driven fast? BMW recently had to pull an ad off the air - this was in the UK - because...

No More Cop Cars

Five years or so from now, there may be no more cop cars. Vehicles used by cops, certainly. But not cars. These are being retired - in the Bladerunner taking-care-of-the-Replicants sense. Ford...

Vehicular Narcolepsy

People aren't asleep at the wheel - they are unconscious behind the wheel. The Safety Cult has done its vile work, turned most people into narcoleptics who operate in ultra slow-motion...

Auto Cop

An interesting unasked question has been raised by Ford’s announcement that it is developing a cop-less cop car. That is, an automated and AI cop car that would sneak itself behind...

How to Stop This Crazy Ride

A Florida man claims his BMW X3 accelerated unintentionally - contrary to his intentions, that is. News story here. The reasons why are being debated. Could it have been a glitch with...

The Mesmeric Word

How long do you suppose it will be before they simply close down the roads for saaaaaaaafety? Why not? Every dumbed-down traffic law on the books is premised on the same...

Snow Driving Etiquette . . . And Its Lack

Lots of advice goes out every year about how to drive in the snow. But the single most important piece of advice about snow-day driving is almost never mentioned - probably...

Park Pork and Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety!

Some parents treat their kids like veal calves - never letting them go outside because it might not be "safe." At least those parents usually mean well - and they are...

Blown Away . . . for Not Complying

In addition to "officer safety," another de facto capital offense in this country is "failure to comply." This past fall, a Northern Virginia man named Bijan Ghaisar was executed by armed government...
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