
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Legal Tender… Except When It’s Not

It still says, "legal tender for all debts, public and private" - but it's becoming clear the powers-that-be would much prefer you used something else. Besides cash money, that is. Increasingly, they...

Why Punish People for “Speeding”?

Why should anyone be subject to punishment merely for driving "x" speed? Is it not of a piece with punishing someone for merely consuming alcohol? The justification usually given is that "speeding"...

Tactical Manual: When – and How – To Run

I wrote a couple week back (see here) about how increasingly Draconian punishments for relatively minor - and purely statutory (i.e., involving no harm to others) traffic offenses - for example,...

The Double Yellow Prison

This country is painted over with double yellow bars - a sort of rolling-ribbon prison, from which escape is not possible. Or at least, very difficult. Legal passing zones - always...

Whatever Happened to The Ricers?

The ‘90s/early 2000s was the last time messing with cars was a common thing among teens and 20s. These were the “ricers” and “tuners” - kids who worked on mostly Japanese stuff,...

Politically Incorrect Teenager Driver Tips

What type of car is a good choice for a teenaged driver? I get asked this a lot. Everyone's got an opinion. Here's mine: * Avoid giving your teen an underpowered car. This may...

Tax Per Mile Cometh!

Oregon - home of things uber trendy - has become the first state to begin dunning motorists by the mile rather than by the gallon. The "pilot" program begins July 1 —...

SkyDiving Without a Parachute

Given how expensive traffic tickets are, it’s amazing so many people won’t buy a good radar detector. Unlike the car you’re driving, it actually is an investment - and not just...

What Clovers Cost Us

Clovers will say things like, "be patient, slow down; speeding only gets you there a few minutes faster." What they really mean, of course, is that their time matters while yours...

Eat Your Veggies… Or Else!

NHTSA and the insurance Mafia want to see fines for not buckling-up jacked up to as much as $100 in order to "encourage" higher compliance with mandatory seatbelt laws. Apparently, the $25...
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