
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Slow’s the Word

What is the common denominator that accounts for almost all bad driving? It is arguably the passivity-fearfulness that’s been drilled into so many American drivers - who were taught that “good...

Won’t Pull Forward Clover

Here's some footage of the Won't Pull Forward Clover. This is the Clover who, when approaching a red light (or sidling into a turn lane at an intersection) leaves a huge gap...

It’s Not the Touchscreen . . .

This is news - but it’s hardly a surprise. Ready? A study done by IAMRoadSmart (a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety outfit based in the UK) has discovered that tapping/swiping/pinching and just gawping at in-car “infotainment”...

Park Pork and Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety!

Some parents treat their kids like veal calves - never letting them go outside because it might not be "safe." At least those parents usually mean well - and they are...

Typically Predictable (junk)….

Reposted with the kind permission of Boris Mihailovic Just recently, Wheels magazine initiated a campaign aimed at exposing the various governments' speed camera racket. And it is a racket -  in that...

You May Not Know…

Everything's so much the same now that many don't know it was once different. And in some ways, the same - again. They also think they know about some things -...

A Teslian Clover (and Another Variant)

Here is a view from behind of a Tesla Clover, driving at not-"ludicrous" speed, in the left lane, pacing the car in the right lane - and thus making it difficult...

Another Case of No Harm Caused

Fox News just posted a story about an Indiana driver who got cuffed and stuffed for driving 120 MPH on the highway. Cue the clap-for-Stalin applause. The cop - driving an unmarked...

Clover Can’t Wait To Cut In

2 Clover can not wait for others to safely pass by him.  His time is so important, that he feels he is entitled to enter the road as soon as he is...

Corona Clover!

Here's a Corona Clover, creeping along at 37-43MPH on a road with a 55 MPH speed limit. Oddly, it's perfectly legal for a Clover to drive unsafely in this manner but...
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