

Easy to Do . . . But Easy to Forget to Do

Most people - not just car people - know about air and oil filters - and that both need to be changed every so often. But how many people even think about...

It Could be Bad . . . But Sometimes Isn’t!

A good friend of mine called me a couple of weeks ago, worried about her '92 Toyota truck. The transmission was acting up. She couldn't shift it into - or out...

Reader Question: Maintenance Required?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Krista asks: My '05 Toyota RAV4 has a "maintenance required" light that has come on and won't go out. Does this mean I...

Part-Time vs. Full Time Electric Cars

Hybrids are really part-time electric cars. They have battery packs and electric motors, like full-time electric cars - but they don't rely on them exclusively for propulsion, as a full-time electric car...

Not to Worry . . . Usually

When your car starts making a strange new noise - or emits a strange new smell - it’s not necessarily something major. The first thing to do is calm down -...

Reader Question: Buying Without Seeing?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Zane asks: Hope you don't mind the asinine question, but I figured next year, wanna replace my Audi with an '80s/'90s car. Curious...

Reader Question: Two at Once?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Phillip writes: I managed to curb scrub the right rear tire of my 2013 Honda Accord, putting a small tear into the sidewall....

Reader Question: Ethyl vs. Isopropyl Alcohol?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jon asks: Love your site, love your writing. My question is, is ethyl-alcohol as hydrophilic as isopropyl alcohol? That is, will the ethanol...

Reader Question: Diesel Pick-ups?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Kenn asks: I recently bought a house with some land on the edge of town. I am looking for an older used truck...

Reader Question: Dry Gas?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Robert asks: What, exactly, is "dry" gas? And what does it do? My reply: "Dry" gas isn't gas - it's actually a generic term for...
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