

Guerrilla Car Buying

It’s never been easier to buy a new car; the harder part is not paying too much for it. "Easy" financing obscures how much you’re really paying, by spreading out the...

Much Better Than an Electric Car

Here's a use for lithium-ion batteries that makes sense - economically as well as functionally: It's a battery pack for jump-starting your car (as opposed to using a battery pack to...

Carburetors and Battlestar Galactica

If you're a fan of the rebooted Battlestar Galactica series, you will remember what made it possible for the Galactica to escape the Cylon attack which destroyed the rest of the...

Chilling Out. . . Before it Gets Hot!

Air conditioning has become standard equipment because there's no longer an alternative way to cool off the passenger cabin. Cars used to come standard with under-dash vents you could open up...

Stolen Valor 4×4

Have you heard about Stolen Valor? It’s when a guy who spent a year or two working as The Army Guy in a Village People cover band claims he did "three...

The Used Car Sweet Spot

Buying a new car is always a bad decision - financially. It doesn't matter which brand or make or model. You will always lose money. It's just a question of how much. All...

So Easy Even a Caveman Can Do It…

Oil changes are still pretty simple. But easy is another thing. If you haven’t done one in awhile - to a new car - you might be surprised by how much...

The Four-Wheeled FRN

A used car is an unknown car. Even with receipts it’s hard to know for sure whether required maintenance was done - and done correctly. That second part being the intangible part. A...

The Ride-Along Mechanic

Cars built since the mid-late 1990s have a kind of ride-along mechanic in the form of the OnBoard Diagnostics (OBD) computer which not only runs the show but lets you know...

Ubering is a Bad Idea

How does anyone make money using their car as a taxi? Well, we’re not supposed to use that word, for openers. It’s ride-sharing. That’s just a dodge, of course. And there’s nothing...
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