Irreparable Damage
You’ve heard the saying - if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? True enough. But there are also things you can’t fix once broken. The car will never be quite right...
Desperate Solutions to Made-up Problems
Desperation brings out the worst in people - including engineers. But then, you can’t really fault them. The government issues its fatwas - which aren't suggestions - and it is the...
Does That Look Right to You?
You don’t have to be an architect to know there’s something wrong with the Leaning Tower of Pisa - which isn’t supposed to be leaning.
The same kind of troubleshooting can be...
Subprime on Wheels
It’s a good time to be a repo man. . . again.
Lots of business picking up used cars people’ve stopped making payments on.
According to S&P Global Ratings and an article in...
The Ancient Debate: To Buy New . . . Or Used?
There are plenty of good reasons to buy a new car. . . and just as many good reasons to buy a used one.
Also, there are some not-so-great things about buying...
Garage Op-Sec
Drive around almost any neighborhood and you will find homes with wide-open garages, expensive tools and equipment in plain sight . . . and no one around.
Tools are portable. Often, they come...
SkyDiving Without a Parachute
Given how expensive traffic tickets are, it’s amazing so many people won’t buy a good radar detector. Unlike the car you’re driving, it actually is an investment - and not just...
Random Shop Tips
The longer you do a thing, the more ways you figure out to do that thing. Sometimes, you figure out a way to do it better, or make it easier on...
Sometimes They’re Easy to Fix… and Sometimes Not!
Contrary to conventional wisdom, maintaining a modern car isn’t always hard.
Sometimes, it’s easier than working on an older car.
It depends on which car you’re working on.
Or, truck.
Some of you already know...
A Tougher Case to Make. . .
Is it still a good idea - from an economic point-of-view - to buy a diesel-powered car?
The answer’s no longer as clearcut as it used to be, when the answer was...