

An App Instead of a Key?

Some things makes sense. Other things are just expensive. Others are merely creepy. Let's start with the first.  Does it make sense to do away with car keys entirely? Physical keys, I mean? Metal keys...

Don’t Get Taken on Your Trade-in

Buying a new car is not the way most people end up paying more than they should have. It’s trading in their old car that often ends up costing them the...

Car Costs You Can (And Should) Avoid

The best expenses are those you can skip. Here are several ways to save money you don't have to spend on your car: *"Premium" gasoline - I italicize the word for a reason. It's...

Practical Winter Driving Tips

It's that time of year - almost. You will likely be reading - and hearing - about how to make the best of it when the flakes begin to fall. I won't recycle...

Trading Down

A reader asked about "trading down" - lowering their car-related expenses (especially repair and maintenance expenses) by trading in their current vehicle (a luxury-brand vehicle) and rather than digging themselves a new...

New Car “Standard Features” That Ought to be Optional

No one likes a nag. Especially one that comes along for the ride. Here are some I wish were optional. I'm betting you do, too: *The lawyered-up infotainment screen -  Most (and soon, all) new cars...

Avoiding a Louisiana U Boat

Something you don’t want may be floating your way soon. Well, it probably won’t actually float there. More likely, a truck will carry it there. To a used car lot near you...

Ancient Cars vs. Modern Cars

Modern cars have been around a long time - at least three decades, since the mid-late 1980s. This was the period when the first electronic fuel injection systems and ECUs (the...

An “Apple” a Day…

You've heard about eating an apple a day to keep the doctor away. It's good advice. Eating healthy can't hurt, at any rate. Well, here are some things you might want...

The Dangers of The “Donut”

If the government is so concerned about our “safety,” why doesn’t it require cars to have real spare tires? As you may know, most new cars don’t … because of the government. Well, because...
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