

Avoiding a Louisiana U Boat

Something you don’t want may be floating your way soon. Well, it probably won’t actually float there. More likely, a truck will carry it there. To a used car lot near you...

Ancient Cars vs. Modern Cars

Modern cars have been around a long time - at least three decades, since the mid-late 1980s. This was the period when the first electronic fuel injection systems and ECUs (the...

An “Apple” a Day…

You've heard about eating an apple a day to keep the doctor away. It's good advice. Eating healthy can't hurt, at any rate. Well, here are some things you might want...

The Dangers of The “Donut”

If the government is so concerned about our “safety,” why doesn’t it require cars to have real spare tires? As you may know, most new cars don’t … because of the government. Well, because...

Gas vs. Diesel: Which Makes Most Sense?

It used to be true that diesel engines were simpler, cheaper to maintain and much more fuel-efficient as well as longer-lived than gas engines. It’s not as true today. Current diesel engines are...

What to Do if You Own an “Affected” VW Diesel?

A worried owner of a diesel-powered VW wrote to ask me whether he ought to accept the buy back offer announced last week (read more about that here) or keep the...

A Cool Gadget

If you wrench - or even just tinker - you may already have a portable jump-starter rig. They are super handy to have. For those who aren't hip, it's jumper cables plus a...

No Oil Change For You!

California has become - ironically - the most anti-car state in the country. Fifty years ago, the Beach Boys sang about the The Little Old Lady From Pasadena. Today, the state government wants...

Other People’s Lemons….

There's a lady I know - a neighbor - who was ready to junk an otherwise sound '90s-vintage Buick station wagon because one day it began to lose power while she...

Some New Car Things to Know

The Uncle-ized car (which is all new cars) has some “features” you may want to consider carefully before you buy in. Features that could hit you with cost - and hassles...
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