

Some Car Buying Advice for the Young

Lots of advice online and everywhere else for teens and young people about buying a car. Here's mine, which might be worth something: Only buy a car if you can afford to...

Don’t Just Check the Air . . .

For decades, people have been advised to regularly check/make sure their vehicle's tires haven't lost air - especially after the mid-1990s-era Firestone tire/Ford Explorer rollover fiasco. The Explorer of that era wasn't...

Title Washing

My friend Bill Meyer, who is the host of The Bill Meyer Show (KMED FM in Medford, OR) told me a story the other day about one of his show's listeners...

First-Time Advice

A friend whose wife is about to give birth asked my advice about what to get as far as first-time family wheels. My first advice was to not buy anything new; to...
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