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Reader Question: EVs That Make Sense?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Randy asks: I don’t disagree with your general take on EVs. But do realize that they...

“You Are Free to Go Whenever You Answer My Questions”

Here's another video from East Germany - whoops, the United States - of a "border" checkpoint inside the United States! The man taking the video...

The Evils of the Automatic

It's easy to get suckered by the convenient. We're all susceptible. It is human nature to take the path of least resistance. This is the...

Reader Question: TDI Diesel Longevity?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Steve asks: Eric, you have clearly stated your position that turbocharging an everyday car is a bad...

Reader Question: Turbo Longevity

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Rick asks: Is the same reasoning for turbos also apply to VW GTI? I own one...

“I Am a Firm Believer in the Second Amendment”

Here’s a video that ought to be viewed by every “conservative” who “supports law enforcement” - and deludedy believes that law enforcers will not...

2019 Chevy Volt Takes “Only” 2.3 Hours To Charge up!

My teeth and gums are particularly sore today. I read - and relate with sourness - that GM has achieved the miracle of reducing the...

Reader Rant! “We” Need and “I Believe”…

Here's the latest reader rant, with my comments below: Dave writes: I went for years as a healthy individual until a staph infection last April....

Latest Radio: “Investing” in EVs

Here's the audio clip of yesterday's chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon. We talked about the car industry, through its...

Making “Investments” in EVs

The verbiage is interesting. As the country relies ever more on force to coerce, it resorts to soft language to hide what is going...
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