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More Than Just Your Papers, Please . . .

Do we live in a police state? What other state forces non-criminals to submit to fingerprinting in order to obtain permission to drive? Or merely to exist? The...

Don’t Be That Guy. . .

You know - Clover. It's actually pretty easy. The Don't Do's: * Don't pull out in front of people - and then fail to accelerate quickly enough...

2014 Nissan Rogue

Pretty much every major automaker sells a compact crossover SUV. Some are front-wheel-drive, some all-wheel-drive, a few are rear-wheel-drive. You can get fours - and...

What Libertarianism isn’t . . .

Just when you think you've heard (and read) it all, something like this falls into your lap. It's a Bloomberg News critique of Libertarianism...

Crunch Time

My least favorite thing to do - after dealing with Clovers - is writing these posts reminding everyone that EPautos, like other independent media,...

Esurance Is Watching You . . Or Soon Will Be

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo just signed off on a "plan" (you know there's trouble brewing whenever a control freak politician announces he has a...

Does “Speed” Really “Kill”?

Yesterday I took one of my motorcycles out and rode it three times faster than the posted speed limit. According to the Clovers of...

What We’re Dealing With Here . . .

My name is Chris. I discovered your site this past December I believe it was. I love it and have been enjoying the articles...

The Latest From Bob

You guys remember "Bob"? He just sent me the following. Clearly, Bob loves! "The one thing that sticks in my mind regarding your non-aggression principle...


All - You may have noticed my "Say no to Clover" avatar is back up; if you'd like yours back up, please go here: This will...
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