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The EV Enablers

Government is pushing EVs - but this push wouldn't succeed if enough people refused to be pushed. If enough people recognized the evil of this...

The EV as it Ought to Be

GM just revealed its new electric Escalade - a huge, wastrel of an SUV that will start "around" $130,000. It's an obscenity on so...

An EV Question That Ought to be Answered

Here is a simple question about EVs that deserves an answer: Why is it that they were replaced - by the free market -...

How EVs Kill

Most people have heard about the EV fire problem - i.e., the built-in (literally) possibility of a catastrophic fire igniting without a spark, even...

EV Endsieg

If you're interested in what electrification is driving at, you might be interested to know that in Britain (and the rest of Western Europe)...

It’s not “Four Wheel Drive” . . . Even Though it Also is

Definitions matter because without precise meaning it is difficult to know what you're talking about, exactly. Or even what's being talked about, at all....

Something No EV is Ever Likely to Be

I have a number of vehicles that are not far from being fifty years old - something it's doubtful any electric vehicle will ever...

The EV Emissions You Can Hear

You have probably heard that many new EVs - including those made by Tesla and Ford -  do not come with AM radio. Or...

My Bike is Like an EV

I was out riding my motorcycle the other day and it occurred to me - as I glanced at the odometer, which you do...

When Everything is Quick

Electric cars tout quickness - because what else can they tout? They certainly cannot tout the things new cars used to tout, such as being...
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