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Have you heard about geofencing? It's like an invisible fence for dogs - applied to humans, using the invisible fencing made possible by connected...

Common Misconceptions about Windshield Repair: Debunking Myths for Car Owners

As a car owner, you often prioritize the maintenance and repair of your vehicle to ensure its longevity and safety on the road. Among...

Your Smartphone and the Mafia

A convergence is coming. It is already here. It is no mere coincidence that EVs have so much in common with smartphones in that both...

OJ’s Bronco vs. Today’s

Now that OJ's in the news again, hopefully for the last time, it might be worth going back in time again - to remember...

Soft on the Outside

Cars used to be able to take a hit. They weren't as "safe," it's true. But the price you're paying for that - literally...

Under Water . . . Again

The more expensive new cars become, the less financially rational it is to buy one. But not so much for the obvious reason. The up-front...

Empty Houses

During the early months of what was marketed as the "pandemic," I noticed that people weren't dying. At least not obviously - as you'd...

Some Car Buying Advice for the Young

Lots of advice online and everywhere else for teens and young people about buying a car. Here's mine, which might be worth something: Only buy...

“Smart Driver”

Insults are literally being added to injuries. The latest example being what GM styles "Smart Driver" - which isn't a "service," either. It is embedded...

The Sound of Gas Pumping

I can't take credit for this one - I just wish I could! A reader, writing in response to my article of a couple of...
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