
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 4/8/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon. I also want to mention some of the casualties of Corona - not the virus,...

Latest Radio: David Knight Show 04/04/2023

Here's the audio of my talk yesterday with David Knight; we got into the Pompadoured Squirrel, among other things. My segment starts at about the 58 minute mark: . . . If you...

Herman Cain – Another Warmonging Chickenhawk

Typical "conservative" ... which is why he's the current Republican Front Man - more war: Herman Cain’s foreign policy objectives were on show once again last night ... During a lengthy interview with...

Today’s Heroes in Action

Check this out:

The Modern American Police Officer

American law enforcement is a very sick entity these days. American police are very much like Tokugawa Shogunate-era Japanese samurai, in that they have EGO, POWER and WEAPONS, but they have...

Dad Charged with 2nd Degree Assault on Cop After He Questioned Common Core Curriculum

“He was not rude but they had security come in to take him out,” says one parent Julie Wilson September 23, 2013 A parent trying to get answers regarding the curriculum his children are...

Hero Cop Shows Us How Manly He is

By intimidating a college girl: What a control-freak sadist - and pussy. Take away his costume and his gun, I wonder how tough he'd be against a guy.

Punishment vs. Being Held Responsible

Which is better? Which is right? Punishing people ... or holding them responsible for the harms they cause? Libertarians think (well, this Libertarian thinks) it is enough to hold people responsible for any harms they...

NSA’s Spy Program “Stellar Wind” Exposed

This article is from The New American, written by Bob Adelmann: -------- The lead story in Wired magazine for April exposed the Stellar Wind program for its intended purpose: to spy on every...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 12/2/21

Here's the audio of this week's chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in occupied Oregon, where Diapermania waxes and the sickness psychotics are pushing for "vaccine" (i.e., submission) passports: ....
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