
Now Nothing Is Off The Table

Tomorrow - the Fourth of July - should be considered a national day of mourning. Having affirmed the constitutionality of Obamacare - that is, of the federal government's asserted authority not...

Fixing Their Wagon

People are frustrated - and want to know what they can do. It gets old merely talking. They - our oppressors - don't care how much we talk. Perhaps then it is...

‘Lil Stinker Won… But Government is Winning

'Lil Stinker - my restored '75 Kawasaki S1 "triple" - won an award at the big Ruritan car (and bike and tractor) show held yesterday. That's the good news - for...

Why They Will Lose This Time

A reader - several readers - express their sense of hopelessness. That 1930s Germany is replaying itself out right before our eyes - and that most Americans either don't see it...

Will You Submit & Obey?

In New York, we have a prequel of what's to come - the repeal of the Second Amendment and summary criminalization of peaceful citizens merely for possessing the means of self-defense,...

Thoughts From a Libertarian Perspective About Saint Trayvon

The one-sided racialism and non-thought I hear endlessly about Saint Trayvon is literally boggling. We’re supposed to accept that Zimmerman was a hater of blacks despite all the evidence to the contrary...

GM’s $9,800 Car . . . The One We’re Not Allowed to Buy

How much is the EPA and DOT costing you? One way to quantify this is to consider a car GM builds - but which you can't buy. Well, not unless you move...

EPAutos is Deay-Ud

Tits up. Done. Something happened - we're not sure exactly what - about two months ago. We got a notice from Goo-guhl advising us we'd been "de-listed" - for reasons never explained...

Permission Slips Instead of Rights

Our slavery is ingenious because it's so very subtle. Most people not only don't see (much less feel) their shackles - they get angry when someone calls attention to them. Most...

Here’s How it Will be Done…

Incrementalism has proved depressingly effective as a tool for getting most people to quietly surrender their rights piecemeal. For gradually habituating them to an ever-diminishing circle of liberty. When the circle...
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