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Battery Swaps Will Never Work

One of the fascinating things about all the problems with EVs is that people keep trying to come up with work-arounds rather than concede EVs are the problem - and stop...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 04/19/2024

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the new Mercedes - whoops, Hyundai - Ioniq 6,...

Your Smartphone and the Mafia

A convergence is coming. It is already here. It is no mere coincidence that EVs have so much in common with smartphones in that both are excellent devices for controlling your driving...

What Used to be Just Caught a Cold

I caught a cold about two weeks ago. Something as noteworthy - once - as forgetting your keys. Just something that happens to pretty much everyone, every now and then. No...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 04/17/2024

Here's the audio of this week's talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about the more practical Mad Max mobile, among other...

“Indefinite Driving Bans”

There is a German word - endsieg. It translates as "final victory." In Germany, the final victory - against cars - will take the form of indefinite bans on driving them,...

Diaper Report: 04/16/2024

No, it's not over. At least, not within the boundaries of Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, CA. A reader and his son who went there recently to attend an event for...

It’s Not How Far They Don’t Go . . .

Most of the criticism of EVs focuses on their range - or rather, the lack thereof. And without doubt, it's a problem. But that's not the real problem, which can be...

A Step in the Right Direction

Libertarians - those dangerous people who think everyone has a natural (God given) right to go about their business in peace so long as their business is peaceful - won a...

Less is Probably not Enough

Ford has lowered the price of some F-150 Lightning trims - but not the base price, which holds steady at $54,995 (which is some $15k above what Ford initially said the...
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