
Renewable Food

Along with others who see the writing on the wall - and the prices at the store - I've been taking steps to make sure I have renewable food on hand. An...

Making it “Easier”

The best way to force something onto people who don’t want it is to force what they do want off the market. Examples of this include the forced retirement of the best...

The Principled Difference Could Make all the Difference

I listened to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's speech yesterday; such a contrast - such a tonic for the intellect - vs. the bloviating, belittling incoherence of the Orange Fail. She elaborated...

How Far it Goes vs. How Far They Say it Goes

There’s something fishy about the range numbers being touted by electric cars. Or rather, the range numbers being touted by those pushing electric cars. They are very misleading numbers. The first reason...

Nikola Fraud Gimps On . . .

It is astonishing what you can get away with if you hawk the virtues of electric cars. Tesla has become the world's most valuable car company by losing money on every electric...

The First Time . . .

I am an Elvis fan and so know his more obscure work, including a lachrymose (but powerful) ballad he sang called The First Time Ever I saw Your Face. It's a...

Linus and His Face Blankie

The worrisome thing is that even if all the “mandates” demanding that people wear a “mask” were rescinded tomorrow, a large portion of the population is likely to continue wearing them...

2021 Mazda CX9

In the 1970s there was something called the Universal Japanese Motorcycle - or UJM. Whether you bought a Honda or a Kawasaki or a Yamaha, the motorcycle was essentially the same....

Curing Their Sickness – For Our Sake

How to cure weaponized hypochondria? The first step is not to pretend it isn't by ceding to it the slightest legitimacy. It must be unmasked for the illness it is - which...

The Electrocution of Motorcycles

A car is fundamentally an appliance. While a few are bought and kept for the fun of it or because the buyer likes the looks of it, at the end of the...
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