

Post your questions -or submit a guest post for consideration.

Reader Question: Hybrid Math?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  William asks: After watching a number of videos on YouTube about hybridized cars, I came across this curious thought: Don't  buy one if...

Never Get in Trouble Trying to Fix Your Car

Probably the main reason many people don't dare do it themselves is they're afraid of not doing it right. More to the point, they're afraid of doing it wrong - breaking...

Reader Question: Breaking in Brakes?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tom asks: How important is it to "break in" new brakes? My reply: It's more important to not wear them out! Most new cars have...

Taking Back The “L” Word

In the United States, liberalism took strong root because it had little opposition to its ideals, whereas in Europe liberalism was opposed by many reactionary interests. In a nation of farmers,...

A Reader Asks….

A reader sent in the following questions (along with a generous donation - thank you!) which I decided to re-post here, along with my answers. I hope "the regulars" here will...

Reader Question: A Better Car For Mom?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Clay asks: If you can scratch your head for a minute and give me your immediate thoughts on this I’ll be grateful. My...

Car Lingo

How much do you know about cars? It's not just trivia, either. Knowing some things about cars - or at least, some car lingo - can help you come across as more...


The following was submitted by love-him-longtime EPautos regular, Tor Libertarian:  Anarchology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by members of Libertarian author Eric Peters' Libertarian forum, beginning in 2006...

1986 Pontiac 6000, a Lemon?

The deed is done. I dropped $1500 on engine repairs for my old '86. I know for a fact it's not worth that much. When I got it for free from...
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