

Following my recent interview on the Tom Woods show (here, for those who missed it) I received several car-related questions… via e-mailquestions pic

I’d like to reply to these questions. But not via e-mail.

For several reasons:

Many of these questions are of general interest; but when I reply via e-mail, the only people who see the Q&A are myself and the person who sent the Q. If, on the other hand, the person had posted the question on the site (see the “Questions” button  – here – on the top menu bar of the home page) then thousands of people would be able to view both the Q and the A, as well as other follow-ups posted by readers. In other words, posting questions on site helps me avoid having to answer the same questions over and over on an individual/private correspondence basis. And it helps you, by encouraging others to chime in. And it helps others, by more widely disseminating the information.

I also have limited time – and the time I have has to be devoted to the building of as an alternative to the press kit automotive press. I don’t charge for answering questions, but I do ask that in return for my time, you ask them here at rather than via private e-mails.

In return, I will do my best to respond as quickly and as intelligently as I am able to. And if my responses are unintelligent, by posting them publicly, others will let me (and you) know that, too!

Thanks in advance!



  1. Thanks Eric. I replied to Nick’s comment on the page as follows:
    – – – – – – –
    Hey Nick, I’ve forwarded your question to Eric. This is where he usually takes questions at:

    Questions – EPautos
    · Commented on by Tor Münkov · A few seconds ago
    Nick’s question:
    “Hey, Eric! I livei n Minnesota and need new tires for my 2014 VW Passat 1.8 lt Wolfsburg edition. Would you recommend all-season or winter tires? Are there certain disadvantages to winter tires other parts of the year? Huge prices differences? Thanks for any help!” Nick

    Might as well answer here, if you are even interested in answering the question.

    • Hi Nick,

      In answer to your question about tires: In my own experience, a FWD or AWD car with a good set of all-season tires can get through almost anything. But you live in MN – and have to deal with more than the usual winter stuff. It might be a good idea to shoe the car with winter tires for the season, then revert to all-seasons come spring. You’ll get a lot more life out of the winter tires this way and you’ll enjoy less road noise, better handling and fuel economy the rest of the time.

  2. Hello Eric;

    I’m a 66 year old car guy. I’ve owned a bug eye sprite, a real mini, several jags, triumphs, old BMWs, fiats, a corvair. Like you I’m a motorcyclist. Still cling ferociously to an 850 Norton Commando. You get the picture.

    My question: Several years ago fedzilla decided that many of the euro auto marques were not welcome to be imported to the US. We lost Peugeot, Citroen, Renault, Opal, Fiat, Lancia, Alfa, most of the British except Jaguar, RR. There are many more very small car makers not available but I can’t remember them. I know the lame reasons why the nanny state bureaucrats banned them.

    What can be done (if anything) to turn this around so that a car buffs like us could import what we want without big brother controlling our automotive behavior?

    I think this issue is worthy of a column.

    • Hi Herb!

      There are several factors at work, but two of the big ones are federal impact and emissions standards. These differ from European standards. They’re not necessarily either more (or less) stringent. But they are different. And what happens is this: A car company does the math and determines that the cost to make a given model U.S. compliant is not offset by the potential profit to be made. Therefore, the cars are simply not sold here.


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