EP on The Bill Meyer Show (VW Fiasco)

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Here’s the audio of last week’s appearance on Bill Meyer’s KMED radio show:


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  1. VW did not kill anyone, like the faulty airbags did!

    Where are the victims that VW KILLED? The airbags lawyers has names and dates of victims. Not so of VW.

    We let the banks and other corporations destroy people home values and retirement plans in the recent near depression, yet no one went to jail.

    VW should not go to Jail! Lets fined them and let them fix the VW diesels and continue to sell them.

    VW caught EPA with their pants down, like the CIA computer getting hacked and then CIA realized how STUPID they are by not protecting their computers and storing it all in ONE place.

    VW should not be driven out of business.

    People like their autos, so let VW build and sell them.

      • How many guys would be on VW’s EA 189 engine design team. How many would have to know, or should have known the engine wasn’t regulation compliant. Can’t design something around a fiction can you. How many designers would have to know what the diesel engine engineers knew?
        – – –

        Fed’s version of events…

        Volkswagen Engineer Pleads Guilty for His Role in Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests

        James Robert Liang, a Volkswagen engineer, pleaded guilty today for his role in a nearly 10-year conspiracy to defraud U.S. regulators and U.S. Volkswagen customers by implementing software specifically designed to cheat U.S. emissions tests in hundreds of thousands of Volkswagen “clean diesel” vehicles, the Justice Department announced today. Liang’s plea agreement provides that he will cooperate with the government in its ongoing investigation.

        Liang, 62, of Newbury Park, California, pleaded guilty today to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, to commit wire fraud and to violate the Clean Air Act. He was indicted under seal on June 1, 2016, by a federal grand jury, and the indictment was unsealed today. The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Sean F. Cox of the Eastern District of Michigan.

        According to the plea agreement, from 1983 until May 2008, Liang was an employee of Volkswagen AG (VW), working in its diesel development department in Wolfsburg, Germany. Liang admitted that beginning in about 2006, he and his co-conspirators started to design a new “EA 189” diesel engine for sale in the United States. According to Liang’s admissions, when he and his co-conspirators realized that they could not design a diesel engine that would meet the stricter U.S. emissions standards, they designed and implemented software to recognize whether a vehicle was undergoing standard U.S. emissions testing on a dynamometer or being driven on the road under normal driving conditions (the defeat device), in order to cheat the emissions tests. Liang admitted that he used the defeat device while working on the EA 189 and assisted in making the defeat device work. In May 2008, Liang moved to the United States to assist in the launch of VW’s new “clean diesel” vehicles in the U.S. market, according to the plea agreement. While working at VW’s testing facility in Oxnard, California, he has held the title of Leader of Diesel Competence.

        Paragraph 21-34 delineate the conspiracy mechanisms, which has been plead guilty to I think

  2. Eric,

    I don’t agree with your use of the term malice to describe the actions of the individuals at the EPA.

    I think you are using it as in malice aforethought. Besides implying that the EPA!!!EPA!!! (as grandpa Simpson would call them) are capable of thought…

    I would say that it is more a case of Dr. Smith programming the Robot to crush, kill, destroy. The Robot has no malice, he is simply an automaton.

    I’d guess most of them think they are doing a good thing by punishing VW and Harley.

    That is what scares me the most.


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